A calendar bearing traces of a journey through time, a letter from the world’s most famous scientist, and a shawl that testifies to the struggle for girls’ right to education. These are just three of the over two hundred items showcased in our new exhibition, These things changed the world. 

The exhibition delves into remarkable discoveries and life’s work through personal items donated by Nobel Prize laureates to the museum’s collection. Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been awarded for groundbreaking discoveries, brilliant ideas, touching stories, and efforts for peace. All have provided new perspectives on our lives and future, changing the world in different ways. 

Start your weekend with us this Friday evening. Mingle with friends in the bistro and in the exhibitions, and join our knowledgeable guides as they give a tour of These things changed the world. 

17:15 Guided tour in English   

18:15 Guided tour in Swedish   

19:15 Guided tour in English   

The museum’s exhibitions, Bistro Nobel and our shop are open all evening. During the evening, Bistro Nobel serves small dishes from its Friday menu. 


This evening, we have a special offer. The ticket (200 SEK) includes admission, a guided tour, a glass of sparkling wine, and snacks (non-alcoholic alternative available).

Book your tickets here. To buy a member ticket, a valid membership is required. Please show your membership card in the entrance. Purchased tickets are non-refundable. 

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The Nobel Prize Museum photographs, films and broadcasts live many of our events. The Nobel Prize Museum may use the material in our operations, communication channels, marketing and in social media. Contact us if you have any questions about this.