
Make sure the slideshow and the films work in the classroom. All the films for the Nobel Prize Lessons are gathered on this page (which you can show during the lesson).

Print the teacher’s guide and the speaker’s manuscript, download the slideshow to your computer and copy the student worksheet for distribution (PDF:s right under) .

We have also placed the teacher’s guide in text with the films and PDF:s organized in headings, further down below.

Files for download (quick access)

Teacher’s guide

Warm-up (5 min) 

Ask your students the following questions.  

  • What is the Nobel Prize? 
  • Why is it called the Nobel Prize? 
  • Are you familiar with any Nobel Laureate? 


Show the video about Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize (5 min)


Show the slides (15 min) 

Show the slides, using the speaker’s manuscript. Let your students ask questions. You are welcome to note questions or unclear points that you cannot personally answer and work more with these at a later time. 

Slideshow and Speaker's Manuscript

Show the interview with an expert in the field  (5 min)


Work with the student worksheet (10 min) 

Let your students work individually with the questions and then discuss their answers with a class mate.

Student Worksheet

Conclusion (5 min) 

Summarise what you and the class have understood, and what you have not understood. You can work with the latter on another occasion.  


Links for further information 

The website of the Nobel Prize  

The website of the Karolinska Institute