Researchers at the Gösta Ekman Laboratories at Stockholm University study how we humans perceive the world around us using our senses of sight, hearing and smell. This includes studying the psychological effects of noise, how our sense of smell can be used to detect dementia, how blind people can learn to navigate by using their other senses and how people with arachnophobia can wean themselves off their strong emotional reactions to spiders. There are specially adapted experiment rooms for advanced scent exposure and sound reproduction, as well as for recording brain activity and eye movements.
Visit the sound labs at Stockholm University
Meet the researchers in experimental psychology at the Gösta Ekman Laboratories of Stockholm University. Among other things, they study unconscious learning and how the human brain processes information when localising sounds.

Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein
- Monday 7 October 2024 14:00 (English) and 17:00 (Swedish)
- Tuesday 8 October 2024 14:00 (English) and 17:00 (Swedish)
- Laboratory for Perception Research and Psychophysics at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University Albanovägen 12, House 4, floor 3, zone P/Q
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