Daily guided tours during opening hours

A warm welcome to our daily guided tours which are included in the admission and are 30 minutes long. They give an introduction to the Nobel Prize Museum and to our exhibitions. There are a limited number of slots for each tour, sign up in our entrance in time before (pre-booking not possible).

English tour Tuesday-Sunday: 11:15, 13:15, 15:15
English tour Friday evening: 19:15

Photography and filming

You are welcome to take photos and film during your visit in the museum, but please do not photograph och film the staff.


Please note our advise on bringing bags to the museum.

Private guided tours for groups during opening hours

In addition to the daily tours Nobel Prize Museum offers private tours for individuals, companies and all kinds of groups. Please contact us on the e-mailadress below for more information.

Guided tour: Nobel Prizes that changed the world

In his will, Alfred Nobel wrote that the Nobel Prizes should go to those who have “conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.” What does it mean and how are the Nobel Prize laureates selected?
In this guided tour, you will learn more about Alfred Nobel and how Nobel Prize laureates are chosen. We will also explore Nobel Prizes that have changed the world, and get to know the people behind them. Is there something that unites them? Through highlights in our object collection in the exhibition These things changed the world, we get to know laureates and learn more about why they have been awarded the Nobel Prize. The objects tell stories of how the laureates’ discoveries provide insights and make life longer and safer, for you and for humankind.

Booking information private guided tours for groups

Tour time: 60 minutes

Number of people: up to 25 persons

Adults: 19-64 years. Seniors: 65+ years. Students: valid student ID.

Tour price during opening hours weekdays:
1900 SEK for adults (+ reduced admission of 120 SEK per adult).
1200 SEK for students/seniors (+ reduced admission of 100 SEK per adult).

Tour price during opening hours weekends:
2500 SEK for adults (+ reduced admission of 120 SEK per adult).
1500 SEK for students/seniors (+ reduced admission of 100 SEK per adult).

Possible addition: 1 glass of cava and snacks in Bistro Nobel + Nobel Chocolate Medal: 140 SEK per person

Tour language: Swedish, English

Booking and requests private guided tours for groups: bokning.nobelprizemuseum@nobelprize.org

If you have any questions: +46 8 534 818 18 (weekdays 14:00-16:00)

Private guided tours for groups outside our regular opening hours

Package total price weekdays: 7500 SEK (up to 25 persons)
Package total price weekends: 10.000 SEK (up to 25 persons)

Booking and requests private guided tours for groups: bokning.nobelprizemuseum@nobelprize.org

If you have any questions: +46 8 534 818 18 (weekdays 14:00-16:00)

Full event (tours, food, drinks): Please contact our event department.

  • © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Nanaka Adachi

  • © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Clément Morin

  • © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Nanaka Adachi

  • © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Clément Morin